Collection: Closing Sale - Over $200 Items

由於尖沙咀店日漸老舊,但在當前經濟環境下,擇址重開風險較高;故我們決定由 9/3 起暫時停業,先稍作休息,再決定之後路向。對各位過往近十年的支持,我們不勝感激。如有空,歡迎到尖沙咀店逛逛,期待見到大家。

今年內,我們未有計劃重開,暫無新貨上架,但網站會繼續運作。腦海中有些計劃,但仍於構思階段。關於以後動向,請留意我們 Instagram、Facebook,希望可以同大家保持聯絡。


Due to the aging condition of our Tsim Sha Tsui store and it seems too risky to relocate in the current economic environment, we have decided to close down our store starting March 9th. We couldn’t be more grateful for your support over the past nine and a half years. Please visit us if you have time.

We plan to take a break after closing down, so we have no plans to reopen or launch new items within this year, but the website will continue to operate. Please stay tuned for future updates on our Instagram and Facebook pages, as we hope to stay connected with everyone, and we do have some plans in our mind.


Closing Sale
由即日起到 9/3(暫定)為止
Starting from today until 9/3

1. 產品低至一折 | Up to 90% off

2. 買滿指定件數,可享額外優惠 | Additional Discount
- Buy 3 = Extra 15% off
- Buy 5 = Extra 25% off
* 僅限價格超過 $200 之產品 | Only applicable to items over $200